ICMEN 2016 was successfully held in Taipei, Taiwan during May 21-23, 2016!
Papers of ICMEN2016 were published by
Key Engineering Materials(KEM) Vol. 709, 2016 and proceedings of ICMEN2016 is already online! (Read More)
Papers of ICMEN2016 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!
Group Photo
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Chii-Ruey, Lin(林啟瑞教授) (National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan )
Keynote Speaker: Prof. King-Fu Lin(林金福教授) (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan )
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Arnold C.-M. Yang(楊長謀教授) (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
One-day Tour in National Taipei University of Technology | One-day Tour in National Taipei University of Technology |
One-day Tour in National Taipei University of Technology | One-day Tour in National Taipei University of Technology |
Session I-A-BP-Pua Fei-Ling | Session I-A-Group photo | Session I-B-BP-Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi | Session I-B-Group photo |
Session II-BP-Atul Goel | Session II-Group photo | Session III-BP-Suriyong Pongpaiboonkul | Session III-Group Photo |
Session IV-BP-King Jye Wong | Session IV-Group photo |
Papers of ICMEN2016 were published by Key Engineering Materials(KEM) Vol. 709, 2016 and proceedings of ICMEN2016 is already online!
Papers of ICMEN2016 are indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!
ICMEN2016 Conference Proceedings - Cover
Papers of ICMEN2016 are indexed by Ei Compendex!
Papers of ICMEN2016 are indexed by Scopus!